Home > Product>Optical Spherical Lens>Plano Convex Lens
  • Plano Convex  Lens
  • Plano Convex  Lens
  • Plano Convex  Lens

Plano Convex Lens


Plano-convex lenses are positive focal length elements with one spherical surface and one flat surface. Plano convex lenses converge parallel light, correct the deflected light and convert point light sources into parallel light. When light enters from the convex surface of the plano convex lens, the light will converge to a point on the convex surface. When a point light source enters from the plane of the plano convex lens, the light will be turned into a parallel beam. The focal length of a plano convex lens can vary depending on wavelength. Plano convex lenses can be used in transmitters, detectors and lasers.

Product parameter

MaterialsOptical glass, quartz, infrared materials (calcium fluoride, zinc selenide, silicon, germanium)
Diameter Rangeφ1-450mm
Contour tolerance0/-0.1
Thickness Tolerance±0.03
Surface Quality20-10
Surface FlatnessN≤1, △N≤0.2
Center15 seconds
Clear Aperture> 90%
CoatingAccording to customer requirements